Lately OData (Open Data protocol) is gaining a great momentum, everybody is talking about, and in fact it deserves all this fuss. OData is a protocol through which you can share data provided as ATOM or JSON formats by exposing URI’s to be invoked via HTTP, check the FAQ for fast information.
One of the interesting things is that the protocol provides various options through the URI to query all sort data; conditions, ordering, filtering, smart selection, …etc, in addition to very smart linking between exposed entities.
So hereby I provide the data of DotNetArabi through OData on the link for the sake of fun and for anyone who might find it useful. I used the Entity Framework for this purpose since it was the easiest, you can find a very helpful information here.
To start playing around check:$filter=AudioFileLength gt 40
I hope you find it interesting.
This really cool brother! Need to allocate sometime to write some widgets or maybe you can do that. Some jQuery stuff over DotNetArabi OData would be cool
Great job. And wish you all the best.
Thank you very much bro, I’m so glad you like it.
Your idea rocks indeed! having such a widget would be really cool, I will be very proud if it is created by Moses of Egypt himself :D.
Thanks for your comment and the nice wishes, same for you and more enshallah 🙂
Очень интересно, но все в будущем хотелось бы еще побольше узнать об этом. Очень понравилась ваша статья!