Brilliantly Simple Code Sharing

By | April 27, 2011

Today I was looking for a fast way to find the index of a nth occurrence of a string in a string, so I found this very simple and intuitive site on which you can find and share .net extension methods, the website is Dah! Smile

I couldn’t find what I looked for, so I shared my solution here; the website made it crazy easy to share this! Something I definitely would add to my log on how to create wonderful websites, simple and effective.

7 thoughts on “Brilliantly Simple Code Sharing

  1. Ali

    Salam Dear, imad hope this helps, it is not safe though OutOfRangeException may occure as you know.

    string str = “Hi imad how are you imad, how is your family imad, thanks for your time imad”;

    public static int StringIndex(this string str, int stringIndex)
    string[] strArray = str.Split(‘ ‘);
    string find = “imad”;
    var occInPlace = strArray.Select((occ, index) => new { Occ = occ, occInd = index });
    var strOcc = from occure in occInPlace where occure.Occ.Replace(“,”, “”) == find select occure.occInd;
    return strOcc.ToArray()[stringIndex]; ;

  2. Ali

    this is a better version with ReplaceAny extension but i believe it can be optimized somehow

    public static int StringIndex(this String str, string toFind, int occurenceNumber, char[] replaceCharArray, char replaceToChar)
    string[] strArray = str.ToLower().ReplaceAny(replaceCharArray, replaceToChar).Split(‘ ‘);
    var occInPlace = strArray.Select((occ, index) => new { Occ = occ , occInd = index });
    var strOcc = from occure in occInPlace where occure.Occ == toFind.ToLower() select occure.occInd;
    int[] occurences = strOcc.ToArray();
    return occurences.Length >= occurenceNumber ? occurences[occurenceNumber-1] : -1;

    public static string ReplaceAny(this string str, char[] replaceCharArray, char replaceToChar)
    foreach (char chr in replaceCharArray)
    str = str.Replace(chr, replaceToChar);
    return str;

  3. Yousef Abusara

    hello Emad,

    yes am following up on you even here :)….

    dear i checked the above code you worte, and also the other two comments above, i noticed that your code is more “general”, coz what if you were looking for “hi emad” not only “emad” ! i dont think the code in the two commments above will do the job, yet your original code will do,

    i just have some modifications on your code -Suggested of course :); where i saved you a variable and an if statment….please feel free to share your feelings 🙂

    public static int IndexOfOccurence(this string str, string stringToBeFound, int occurrence)
    occurrence +=1;
    int indexOfPassedString = 0 – stringToBeFound.Length;

    indexOfPassedString = str.IndexOf(stringToBeFound, indexOfPassedString + stringToBeFound.Length);
    while (occurrence != 0 || indexOfPassedString == -1);

    return indexOfPassedString;

  4. Yousef Abusara

    sorry emad, couldnt stop, but i beleive this is more optimized solution 🙂

    Public Shared Function FindNthOcc(ByVal StrtoSearch As String, ByVal StrtoFind As String, ByVal TargetOcc As Integer) As Integer
    Dim Str As String() = Regex.Split(StrtoSearch, StrtoFind, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Multiline)
    If Str.Length = 0 OrElse Str.Length <= TargetOcc Then
    Return -1
    Return StrtoSearch.IndexOf(StrtoFind & Str(TargetOcc))
    End If
    End Function

  5. Yousef Abusara

    since there is a bug in me last post, especially if the text contains “repetitive words” is the last on 🙂

    Public Shared Function FindNthOcc(ByVal StrtoSearch As String, ByVal StrtoFind As String, ByVal TargetOcc As Integer) As Integer
    Dim Str As String() = Regex.Split(StrtoSearch, StrtoFind, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Multiline)
    If Str.Length = 0 OrElse Str.Length <= TargetOcc Then
    Return -1
    Array.Resize(Str, TargetOcc)
    Return String.Join(StrtoFind, Str).Length
    End If
    End Function

  6. Emad Alashi Post author

    Salam Ali,

    Thanks for your reply, very interesting way indeed! Though I believe Yousef had a valid point there. Please keep your comments coming, that’s the best part of coding; discussions 🙂

    LoL Yousef! (Yousef is my Project Manager people!)
    If I knew that you follow my blog I would have worked on getting a raise with special posts 😉 hehe

    As for this solution, I like it…though probably a stress testing should show which solution might have better performance, I haven’t tried your code in the first place so maybe the next commentator can say his word on this 😉

    Btw people, on the trails of this issue Yousef provided a very simple solution for another problem that made me go Dah! if you needed this nth occurrence method, think about using Split() and the index of the array 😉

  7. Yousef Abusara

    hello dears,

    thanks Emad, we will see about the raise issue :),

    i have checked the performance and it turned out that for the first run, your code is faster, while in the consequent execution your code is Slightly faster,

    i have modified my code as below, and it matches your code speed, but its more readable 🙂

    Public Shared Function FindNthOcc(ByVal StrtoSearch As String, ByVal StrtoFind As String, ByVal TargetOcc As Integer) As Integer
    Dim Str As String() = StrtoSearch.ToLower.Split(New String() {StrtoFind.ToLower}, StringSplitOptions.None)
    If Str.Length = 0 OrElse Str.Length <= TargetOcc Then
    Return -1
    Array.Resize(Str, TargetOcc)
    Return String.Join(StrtoFind, Str).Length
    End If
    End Function

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