Builds while deployment

By | June 15, 2008

In my company, we are working on this big GRP project, lots of pages, projects and workflows, soon we are delivering some modules to the customer.
So today, while trying to test a workflow that we have been working for days, something weird happened; the users of the workflow didn’t exist anymore!!

After searching for a while, it appeared that we are delivering some modules, and real data needed to be deployed on a database especially for deployment, basically the Users table was the primary table! so as simple as it gets…they created the new database and changed the users we used for the real users (along with the hierarchical structure of the employees).
Ok…that’s fine for now, but the problem is that they wanted us to work on the new data; the action was that they changed the users on the development database on our development environment!

That took place with late alert, not only that, but I believe that the change should always start from the development database (not the opposite),  notifying all developers of the plan and including them in the change, and only then…the change is reflected to the deployment database.

The team I work with was halted for more than half a day, trying to reorganize the users with the proper structure to start the workflow again!

How do you handle deployment issues when it comes to real data deployment?


One thought on “Builds while deployment

  1. Mohammad Jarrar

    In My Opinion, A Build That Is Deployed On The Company’s Server , It Should Simulate The Client Environment As Much As Possible, However , That Must Be Done Once The Early Beginnings Of The Project, So That All Tracks Should Work In A Normal Way (Or Close To It).

    What Happened Here Was A Bad Communication And Inaccurate Decisions (With All Respect) , Thats What Caused The Loss Of Time , You Lost A Half Day , I Was Blocked For Around A Day And A Half 🙂

    Good Luck!

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