What is next

By | June 21, 2008

Ok, now I am facing a hard decision; what to do next in my technical life?

In order to reach for better decision, I drew a mind map using this wonderful online tool Mindomo, it’s like  the following:

most important

Those nodes are the things I think I want to study/do most.
I marked the most important ones with the red, yellow and then blue flags. Then marked the ones I need to do most urgently with 1 being the most urgent, 2 less urgent and so on.

We use NHibernate at work, it’s interesting technology and very much talked about recently, knowing it in details helps to be more productive and give my experience real credit for it.
So I thought about doing some session about it with anyone interested about it here at work (we need to refresh out technical enthusiasm),  my plan is to give a brief introduction on it with some samples, then have a longer discussion about it.
I gave it the highest mark of urgency because we usually are pressured at work and we don’t have the luxury to “sharpen our saws” by having such sessions (I know…don’t look at me like that!). so it takes the first place.

Second in  place, studying for the ASP.NET exam of Microsoft (which is something really cared about here), and I better take the exam before it’s too late.

Thy cycle goes on clock-wise, till it reaches this charity web application, then I thought why not use this chance of creating web application to learn the “Javascript in depth”, “Ajax”, and  “jQuery”?!
and this is what I will do by god willing.

If I want to do that I better commit to what i have just posted, so wish me luck…and if you think you can enjoy open source project, contact me and we might do the charity web application together 🙂

2 thoughts on “What is next

  1. Fadi Abu Wardeh

    Hope that u complete all ur goals man, and i wish that u have the chance to learn MOSS as well, and use all above tech. on it 🙂


  2. Mohammad Jarrar

    I salute you for the planning , you divide things according to its importance and need.

    Wishing you the very best luck and dont forget to tell me when you start those sessions en sha2 Allah 🙂


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